Congratulations to those that were able to complete last event and got all the medals. Sadly I wasn't one of them. But forget the past and on to the new one! This event style will be like Himeyuri and Southern Cross in which we need to collect special event drops from bosses to cash in and trade for the event girl and items for her skill lv and equipment slots. More info in the Event tab.
-So for the changes, first thing I noticed was that there was a new world in the special tab section and it had the name of an area. The next day I checked and it changed to another area name so it seems like another one of those certain day dungeons(they don't appear on exp fairy days). Not sure how far they go up to yet, might be only 4 for now. You will need to have the specific area girls in order to do these maps(didn't I just say they might do something like this last week? Ya?) Nice to have something added in the special tab.
Press twice to change forms |
-And about secretaries! Now you can choose anyone to be your lovely waifu, just go to the 2nd tab of the character screen and it will be the top right button that wasn;t there before. But now clicking on them won't change their form. Instead, you click the secretary button again to alternate between the before or after evolution forms.
-See something new in the quest section? Now there's a new tab for Character quests! Currently there are only 4 of them and three are the new gacha girls. To be able do them, you must have the character, have her as your leader, and be the right lv. I'm sure we will see more character quests in time for the ones that aren't new.
-The way bosses are distributed now can be decided by you. When the sharing sign comes, it will now have 2 choices, the left to share to everyone and the right to share only to friends. Was sad when they made it only for everyone so this makes me glad.
That's it for the changes now, who knows if we have more in store for us. They are doing their monthly 2 hana stone giveaway again this week and with that, new girls to get. They are these,
I'd think the blond would be the rainbow but it's the blu loli.... well that makes us be happy about getting golds too right? Let's not be too obsessed with getting rainbows. The campaign gacha this time is simply these girls getting a bonus chance in appearing if chosen in their rarity.
They introduced a new op dungeon map suggesting 4875k power now. I can't even beat the first one yet so I'll leave this to the ones that can...
So enjoy your summer! Pick your favorite secretary, make your best team for your friends, and defeat bosses for event items!
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Remember to stay hydrated |