In Depth Guide

    So you're here because you want to know about absolutely everything! Yes? Ok, but you still have to read the basic guide to get the main idea of what and how to get to what I will explain here. I am just going into more detail of the things that you can do in Flower Knight Girl.


So we'll go over how questing works. You choose a map, choose the placements for your teams(if available), and just press the bottom right button to start and have your girls do their thing. That's it :)
Haha, well it pretty much is, there are just a few things to consider.

- Whenever you go out questing, you can choose a friend or a random player to quest along with you. At the end of the quest, you can choose if you want to friend that person.

- Some maps might have a path that is closer to the goal so watch your teams speeds if you want to clear all the stage objectives since if one person reaches the finish line, all the other teams will skip over everything and go right to the goal. However they will still get money/seeds on each step if available.

Moving teams
- When you first get to the map, you can choose where to put your teams are on the spots with the tents. It'll automatically spread them for you if more than one is there so make sure you have the ones you want on the right path. Then pressing the green button on the bottom right will start the map. After starting, you can no longer move their placement anymore and just watch them handle the stage. Clicking the bottom right button which was green turns it red, and each time you click, each team will march equal to the amount of moving distance the team has. Each step is 400 moving distance(there's many lengths now) though I am not certain. So simply click away and they will automatically go around the map and kill the digusting pest that ruins the land. You can check how a team is doing healthwise by clicking on them while on the map.

Surrender Menu
- If at anytime you are on the map and you feel that this map is too early for them and you want to keep the gold and chests you've acquired so far, press the blue bottom on the top right which will fail the map and bring you back to camp. Like I said, doing this will allow you to keep the things you have gotten so far. Not doing this and letting all your girls die will make all the work you have done forfeit and you wasted the energy you spent in trying to do that stage.

- I know the animations are pretty cool but if you are just farming for things or in a hurry, there is a haste button on the top right of the screen during battle which is usually set to off. Turn it on and all your girls will attack quickly one after another. Completely fine for weak mobs when you don't have to worry about your team. Using this on a difficult map though is not a good idea. Since your girls attack mobs very fast, they might all attack a mob which is almost dead and waste their chance on attack another mob. With the constant updates, their attacks are more coordinated and it rarely happens now. It might also miss your chance of using the solar drive when you wanted to and a fallen knight might be the result.

Glows yellow when full
- In battle, the bottom right button turns into a gray bar which has a thing that seems to fill up while progressing on the map. That is the bar for the Solar Drive ability you are able to use one it's full. It charges after a round of attacks and a certain spot on the map if you walk over it which fills it by half. Solar Drive is an attack that you can do which affects all enemies and does an o k amount of damage but helps nicely for your struggling teams. You can do it as many times as you want on a stage, just needs to be recharged everytime.

- So when you finally finish a stage after your girls hard work in eliminating the creepy crawlers, you will see a summary of the stage objectives you completed, amount of seed you acquired, amount of gold, exp, the chests will open and things will come out. The main thing that is important if you want the stage rewards are completing the objectives and there are always three. First is completing the stage, so just getting to the finish line. The second is to kill all the normal mobs in the area. The third and last is to kill all the bosses in the area. Yes, there may be more than one so check to make sure all the mobs with a 'BOSS' tag under them are all dead. Completing each one of these will get you a medal and 3 medals means you finished the stage completely and can get the rewards! Some events will want you to get medals in the event stages so make sure you can get as many as you can to get the most out of the event.


So we had the missons and now its just the quests that we give in. There is a main quest tab and a daily quest tab. I do not remember what was needed for the main quests but for dailies they consist of doing things such as clearing a stage, going to secret stages, killing raidbosses, others related to that. Rewards are some gold, gifts, and maybe spirits.


The flower knight teams. You can choose your secretary by clicking the button on the right top of the characters sprite in the 2nd tab. Clicking twice will alternate between evolution forms.

Raid Bosses:

Raid Bosses can appear in two ways. One, you finish a normal stage and it pops out at the end or when your friend has one and decides to share. Whenever you attack one and do not defeat it, it'll share automatically. Raid Bosses are just like stage last bosses except that they're alot stronger. One thing that is different here is that you do not have the option to do a Solar Drive in the battle. Instead, it gets replaced by a 'Skip" icon which will instantly calculate all the dmg in just a few seconds. Once you press it, it will be like that for the rest of your teams. When deciding to do a raid boss, you have 3 options. Those are just asking how many points would you like to use for the boss. Everyone starts with 3 raid boss points and it never gets higher.

Using 1 point means you do 1x dmg to the boss like normal.
Using 2 points multiplies your dmg by 3 just for this boss.
Using 3 points 5x your dmg to annihilate the boss with utter destruction.
Just know that while your dmg does get higher, your hp won't so if its clearly over your lv, you will still be 1-2 shot if he doesn't die after all that beating.
So if the boss fails to die or you just want to share it from the start, go up to the deciding point menu and press the button in the above the boss. Once you do, it'll share that boss to 30 random ppl including your friends if they are online. It used to be only 20 and be available only to your friends for a short time but now they changed it and it is pretty hard to get a round on anyone else's boss let alone your friends anymore.  *Now they let you decide to share it to all or just your friends.*
Red is everyone
Blue is friends

Now the rewarding system will normally give you blue seeds for equipment(or a certain item if event on event boss), normal equip gacha for boss lv 45- and advanced equip gacha for 46+. Anything in the advanced gacha is better than normal so you want to take a hit at those anytime you get the chance. Now for the amount you will actually get for dmging the boss, it is a pretty fair system in which encourages ppl to share rather than to just take it all for themself which is nice. As long as you do a fair amount of dmg, you will get the same reward as others who do around that dmg. The more hp a boss has, the more seeds you will get. Being an mvp on a boss doesn't give you much more than someone who has done 1/4th to the boss. It merely gives you the reward based on participation and if you were the one that found the boss. There's a table in the wikia but I haven't confirmed with it, showing fixed rewards for participation in all the worlds 1-14. Jap wiki Raid Boss
If you want to check your dmg on the boss, go to the boss page and click the brown button to the right. It will show every person who participated on the boss and a chance to friend these ppl if you aren't. Any friends that have helped have a sword icon besides them.
And final thing, the bosses are timed too. They don't last around forever so make sure you hit them at least once so they can get passed around. Use to be a small problem before but now I doubt it will happen.
So whenever you see a 1, 2, or more on that boss counter, go get at them! If you ever need more points, you can use a Hana Stone which is not recommended to continue your exterminating of the boss pests.


The shop is pretty straight forward, everything has to do with either buying Hana stones or using them. The only one different is the buy girl/event shop button.
Clicking that can lead to either two girls that are available for usually 150000(can buy just once) or this event shop page.

This was from Flowers Dancing in the Night! Event
Each event might be a little different but this one, you collect crystals from the event maps and with that, can buy these flowers that will increase a flower knights skill lv by 1 and other things as well such as stat ups or exp spirits. Only available for a certain time and there is a limit to how many are in stock.

And hmm...not sure what else to say. If there's something you want explained, tell me and I can put it up here.

Will keep updating as things change.


  1. How do you equip items, every time I click the empty inventory box I get a message I can't read that would probably explain it.

    1. Nvm, it was in the second tab. Oops! Also, when does the Lavender girl expire?

    2. It should end in about 5 days. She will be in the shop for a little longer though so you have time to buy her.

    3. Oh dang, I probably won't be able to get her since I just started playing. Does the currency to buy her stick around after she's gone for different units or is it a waste of time to be playing those maps?

    4. If you don't think you can get 2000 by the time its over, then you should just stop. That currency is specifically only for those Lavender items so there is no point in doing them anymore. I suggest you work on the current event now and try to get at least 500 of those firework bombs to get the new event girl this time.

    5. Alright thanks man, probably saved me a lot of grief! Really enjoy the blog btw :)

  2. I have a few new questions, what are "state missions" and what's the point of character quests? Also not very important, but do the girls only get one H-scene? The nun's was pretty lame since it was just her face and a pixelated mess lol.

    1. Oh, I forgot to ask as well, are there items you can get that upgrade skill and unlock item slots? I imagine there has to since getting 3 rainbow copies to get more item slots would be extremely hard.

    2. Glad that you like it.
      State missions? The certain maps that are based on area? They made some which are only available on certain days and only characters from the same area(for example Banana Ocean) will be able to sortie there. There is only 3 maps atm so not very developed yet.

      Yes, the girls do only have one scene each. Honestly, this game's selling point is not in its ero part at allXD

      Right now, there are skill level flowers available in the event shop area. The currency for those is the green crystal things called Life Crystals. You can feed a skill level flower item to your girl and she will lv up her skill 100%. Just make sure to match the rarity. That shop restocks every month. There is nothing like that for slots tho atm.

      If you are interested in a site that discusses fkg and things, there is this
      I tend to post often there.

    3. Alright cool, thanks for the answers! I made an account there recently and am under the name "bigbigdog"

  3. somebody help me :'(
    why i was unable to click that button? i can do any raid boss like this :'(
    sorry for my bad english...

    1. That sign means that the boss had already died.
      Got to be faster nxt time!

  4. Hi, I know that it serves the game currency, that currency "golden" to win in large quantity, and which use

    1. Hey, to use gold? Not sure what you are trying to say.

    2. Como uso la moneda del juego, osea, las moneda de "oro", las monedas que mayormente te dan cuando cumples los objetivos, esas que dicen x2000 (ej)
      translated, I wrote in Spanish to be understood when translating

    3. Yeah that was probably better.
      Um, gold is only used to feed things/upgrade your girls. Only used for one thing but it does take alot to upgrade a girl to max lv. In the quests, you may get some for doing certain objectives such as going on a sortie or beating a raid boss. But yeah thats it.

  5. Hey, what do the rainbow/golden flowers do at the top of the shop? I got 300 and was wondering how to spend them. Do they just level up a skill or give you a random new girl?

    1. Those are skill lv up flowers and they have a 100% chance in doing so. Rarity with same rarity. It is not a ticket like thing for a new girl. It is still good to get though, its not everyday you can get another duplicate rainbow to feed for slots and skills. The shop resets every month.

  6. Hi, can i know what is this for?


    1. That is a life crystal that you usually get from quests or event maps. Its like another currency where you can exchange a few typical things along with the special skill flowers. Those have a 100% chance in leveling up a skill. Match the flower rarity with the girl rarity.

    2. Thnx for reply. Also, can i know what is this for?

      Btw, if possible, can you make some guide regarding this flower:

      What is this for, what the difference for the price etc. Super thnx!

    3. The first are the three types of ampules which can permanently boost up a stat by a little amount. The blue one is hp, red is atk, green is def. They have a cap on how many you can use and that is 100 of each.

      The 2nd is the skill level/slot flower for the revival girl, Himeyuri. You feed it to her and she will get skill levels and slots that way. You need a total of 4 skill flowers and 3 slot ones. There is one extra for the most expensive ones so just remember not to waste it on that.

    4. So for 2nd one, it mean we can just buy for 50 rather then 500 red flower, the effect still the same (or not much difference)?

    5. The effect is the same but there is only one in stock for each of those so you need to buy the others to get all the upgrades you need.

  7. Hello! I just joined the game, and I was wondering if you could tell me how to enter a promo code. Much appreciated!

    1. You go to the misc tab and click on the option that looks like a note. For which code it may be, you will have to find out yourself and find the right promo.

  8. Hey just a question from a nub. I rolled the gacha for 10x and got another toad lilly, Should i feed it to my original first lily that is like level 39 or keep it to use as my 2nd gold? I just started and I only have two gold which is both toad lilly cards.This is also a question i have regarding my 4 star units. Like is it worth it?

    Sorry if i double posted since i don't know where posting it would be best.

  9. Hey quick question, I maxed out the affection for one of my five star girls and didn't get a h-scene, at first I thought that every girl probably didn't get one but when I tried to go view a scene I had previously unlocked for another girl it didn't give me the option to view the h-scene. Just wondering if this was a glitch or a recent update since I haven't scene anyone mention this at all, Thanks.

  10. can i know what is time when the server update daily?
