-I haven't checked them all but from now the Quests are ordered with dailies first and main 2nd tab-wise.
-On the event map of 4, the lv60 mobs there did some lethal damage to my knights. While that seems obvious, the numbers were quite high, numbering peak of 6kdmg to my 1300defense girl. I don't remember it being like that so I think they changed the damage modifiers.
*Actually their dmg hits hard for some chars and low for others regardless of defense, not sure what affects this, maybe type?*
-The character Suiren(or Water Lily) and her ability to evade attacks has been changed in a way that instead of applying her 30% dodge to every single attack, it now decides from the beginning of an attack whether it'll take all the hits or dodge the whole thing total.
You know what happens when there's a new event, new girls! We have a new 3 set which includes two red and on blue type this time. The gacha theme for this event are those two types and are the main mob attributes in the event maps as well.
New girls that I have acquired during the week were Oncidium,
I now totally get why everyone likes her, the perfect waifu personality.
One of those 4 stars I just couldn't get till now when I really don't need them...
and Sentoporia(African Violet).
Snowflake better :)
Used all my stones to get a rainbow but no luckXD
Ty for reading this week, check out the event section to learn more(hoping that I update it).
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